

De winnaar van de NVN Dissertatieprijs 2022 is Tim van Balkom!

Tim schreef het beste proefschrift op het gebied van de neuropsychologie, afgerond in de periode tussen 1 september 2021 en 1 september 2022. De titel van zijn proefschrift: "The profiles and practice of cognitive function in Parkinson's disease." 

De uitreiking van de dissertatieprijs 2022 is uitgereikt op de NVN Voorjaarsconferentie op 24 maart 2023.  

Hieronder vindt u een overzicht van alle proefschriften die zijn ingediend voor de Dissertatieprijs 2022.




Understanding the Aggressive Brain: High-Definition transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in reducing aggression and as a treatment intervention in forensic patients.
Carmen Sergiou

Understanding the Aggressive Brain: High-Definition transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in reducing aggression and as a treatment intervention in forensic patients. door Carmen Sergiou

Can we afford this? The capability to make financial decisions in individuals with and without cognitive impairment
Dorien Bangma

Can we afford this? The capability to make financial decisions in individuals with and without cognitive impairment door Dorien Bangma

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts: Assessment after acquired brain injury
Anne-Fleur Domensino

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts: Assessment after acquired brain injury door Anne-Fleur Domensino

Cognitive screening of low educated and illiterate older minority ethnic patients in a memory clinic setting
Miriam Goudsmit

Cognitive screening of low educated and illiterate older minority ethnic patients in a memory clinic setting door Miriam Goudsmit

The profiles and practice of cognitive function in Parkinson's disease
Tim D. Van Balkom

The profiles and practice of cognitive function in Parkinson's disease door Tim D. Van Balkom